Government institutions and local authorities provide services to their residents. This field involves institutions that perform various public government tasks.
The national government regulates the national policy. It includes ministries (departments), agencies and other institutions that serve the public in various fields: healthcare, education, transport, environmental protection, etc. Translations in this field are required for ensuring that the government policies, laws and other official documents are clear and comprehensible, in international relations, in communication between different cultures and in legal proceedings.
Local authorities provide services for residents of a specific region. This includes city councils, regional councils, as well as their executive bodies. Local authorities maintain infrastructure, organize services that are important for the public, plan the use of their territories and manage them. Translations in this field are used for promoting international cooperation, communication with partners in other countries, informing the public about current events and drafting internationally recognized documents, for example, contracts and cooperation memorandums.
Translations for state and local authority institutions provide clear information, promote international cooperation, ensure that laws are correctly understood and allow different linguistic and cultural groups to understand each other.