
IT and videogames

The field of information technology and videogames is dynamic and rapidly expanding, and is connected with technological development, software, using computers and mobile devices, digital content, videogame design and development. Translations in this field are particularly important for the international markets and for ensuring precise communication between users from different cultures and languages.

Translations in this field are used for a broad range of purposes, for example, translating (localizing) software and apps in various languages, translating technical documentation, manuals and instructions, as well as technical support and consultations.

In the field of videogames, we translate games that have become popular globally and need to be accessible for users speaking different languages and coming from different cultures. This includes texts and dialogues in the game, descriptions, user interface elements, ensuring that the user can enjoy an authentic game experience.

Translations in the IT and videogame field are important in order to ensure global availability, user satisfaction and efficient communication. Companies benefit from translation services when they need to expand their markets and obtain international brand recognition, while users benefit from an improved experience.