
Medicine and clinical research

The field of medicine and clinical research is connected with healthcare, medical studies and scientific research. Medical institutions, clinics, hospitals, pharmacy companies, scientific institutes and other medical and healthcare providers frequently use translations for ensuring efficient communication between medical professionals and patients who speak different languages.

This field involves healthcare, diagnostics, medical treatment, rehabilitation and prevention. Many different medical professionals work in the field: general practitioners, surgeons, other specialists, nurses and many others.  

Translations ensure the provision of accurate and precise information about the health state of the patients, the treatment plans, the use of medication and various instructions from health care institutions. In addition, patient documentation, medical articles and scientific publications may require translation for ensuring their availability on an international scale.

Clinical research is the part of medicine that studies new medications and methods of treatment in order to improve health care, understand the causes and mechanisms of diseases and disorders. Translations in this field ensure communication between researchers, patients and other involved parties in different countries.